Choice: An act of Courage vs. A Cowardly Act! A Perth Mum demonstrates the difference...

April 14, 2015  •  2 Comments


An act of Courage vs. A Cowardly Act!

A Perth Mum demonstrates the difference...



Linda Wild | rg wild photography | Perth | 2015Jade Ruthven, 33, pictured with her daughter Addison. Image by Linda Wild | rg wild photography | Perth | 2015Jade Ruthven, 33, pictured with her daughter Addison. Image by Linda Wild | rg wild photography | Perth | 2015

Courage, truth, kindness, & resilience are character traits I admire most in people. I am honoured to have witnessed a person who embodies all these qualities and who stood up in a time of adversity.


RG Wild Photography is proud to have our images associated with an act of bravery and defiance. One can only imagine the initial shock and complete confusion this mother felt when she first read the letter.


It's the choice this mother made after reading this letter that I admire the most. She collected her thoughts made the choice to say "No! I will not let you defeat me by changing how I chose to celebrate my child".


So instead of allowing the tone of the maliciously scripted letter to leave her feeling forlorn & malcontent she choose to stand up and be defiant by sharing her experience.


In turn this Perth Mother has been inundated with words of encouragement & support, which supersedes any negative influence the original letter intended to have.


We thank Jade Ruthven for sharing her experience as we feel we can all benefit in learning from this situation.  I firmly believe that her gorgeous little girl Addison is fortunate to have been blessed with such a role model for a mother. 


To find out more about the background to this story, please read the following by clicking on the links below:


Jade Ruthven, 33, pictured with her daughter Addison. Image by Linda Wild | rg wild photography | Perth | 2015Jade Ruthven, 33, pictured with her daughter Addison. Image by Linda Wild | rg wild photography | Perth | 2015Jade Ruthven, 33, pictured with her daughter Addison. Image by Linda Wild | rg wild photography | Perth | 2015,d.dGY










Well said x
Beverly Ruthven(non-registered)
I am proud to say that this Mother is the Mother of my beautiful grandchild. If it was not for all these awesome posts we would not get to share all the special moments/milestones she attains.
I must say to the persons who drafted and posted this horrific letter, I feel very sorry for you as you obviously are not happy in the space you are in. I suggest you come clean with the Mother and beg her forgiveness, because if you are found out you are going to be named and shamed and as you say you are a "friend" that friendship may never be again. Don't stop the posts. We love you all. Lexi too xxx
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